Dashry Mission

Lifting with Laughter & Love

Notions of Dashry

Lifting with Laughter and Love is not just a tagline, it’s our Mission!  Dashry strongly believes in the healing power of laughter and love.   Our life experiences can heal us and others when we allow laughter and love into the journey to emotional and spiritual health. And who better to start laughing at, and with, than yourself?

I am a recreational gambler. I like to think that I am a pretty smart guy. After all, in 2018, I completed my Master’s degree Summa Cum Laude. However, at times I do dumb things that would cause one to believe I don’t have good sense. Things like believing that one slot machine is hot and if I play long enough I will win my money back. Another example is buying a lotto ticket at a store that had a recent winner, in hopes their luck will rub off on me. These and other gambling behaviors have often made me laugh at myself on the drive home. So, I figured – if I’m thinking like this, surely there are many more recreational gamblers who think the same thoughts. Gamblers of all types that I want to help laugh at themselves.


Birth of P.U.G.S.


As I decided to make products to express our collective thoughts, I imagined it would be fun to use a loveable character. Thus, P.U.G.S. “The Canine Counselor” was born. P.U.G.S. offers sage and sometimes sarcastic advice to recreational gamblers everywhere; all offered from a place of love. The Pug breed seemed to be a favorite of dog lovers and dog parents, and also divinely matched my main message:

Please Use Gambling Sense.

There are billions of gamblers in the world. P.U.G.S. also serves the universe by encouraging and inspiring responsible gambling in hopes of helping to eradicate gambling addiction everywhere.

Other Initial Designs

Parents Prayers designs were also inspired by my own parental thoughts, which I am pretty sure are shared by millions across the world who have had the honor of raising and providing for children. Through laughter, I put parents at ease by letting them know it’s really OK to think these thoughts – It doesn’t mean you don’t love your children .  It means you’re human.

Pug Lovers designs were inspired by the fact that pug lovers and pug parents allowed me to use the object of their affections as my mascot. My research tells me that pugs are happy, affectionate, and playful, so what better path to laughter and love?  Don’t tell anyone, but I’m not a dog owner. Even so, I wanted pug lovers to have a place to see their beloved celebrated in the right way.

So please join me in lifting with laughter and love, because let’s face it; You either: Are a dog owner or know one; Are a gambler or know one.     Are a parent or know one.

Stay tuned for future Dashry Creations…

The Name DA-SH-RY

Dashry Creations is derived from the names of my 3 children.

It also serves a dual purpose, playing on the word “Haberdashery” which means: 
NORTH AMERICAN: clothing and accessories. 
BRITISH: small items used in sewing, such as buttons, zippers, and thread; notions.

Products not sold through dashrycreations.com or amazon.com are not authentic Dashry Creations and have been stolen from the company.
 Please do not patronize these business pirates.